
Relocation And Moving Your Communication Infrastructure

Moving your business is an exciting time and generally, the biggest change you will make. There is a reason that established businesses are located in the same spot for years, it is an incredible pain to move a business. If you have an office related business, the chairs and desks are difficult enough to move, much less all of your technology. That is why Mark IV Communications prides itself on being the most trusted relocation specialists in Orange County. What kind of relocation you may ask? Well we will not move your desks and soda machine but those are the kind of things that generally are on everyone’s mind when a move is imminent. The true moving nightmare is undoubtedly your communication and networking infrastructure. It is an abstract concept when a majority of your business is contained in a room filled with black boxes and blinking red and green lights. All too often the first impulse when moving a bank of servers, even a fairly modest sized one, is to start unplugging and loading up. This is possibly the worst idea for moving servers, even with clearly documented blueprints regarding wiring. So resist the urge to start unplugging wires and give the relocation experts a call at Mark IV Communications.

You might wonder why you would need to utilize a specific company to move your servers, wiring and security systems. The real question is, why wouldn’t you? Moving is a complete hassle and why would you want to involve more responsibility if it is not needed? We have over 30 years in the communication and networking infrastructure industry and we have moved many businesses, from large to small we have moved them all.


Seamless Integration

When you are planning a move from one location to another it is a critical time for your business. The last thing you want to deal with is downtime and if your employees are not producing it is directly affecting your bottom line. With Mark IV Communications, the move can be seamless. We will deploy a team of highly skilled experts that will ensure a hassle free move. We will first evaluate and label all of the existing servers in your old location upon which we will be able to design a new configuration for your new building. We will essentially have everything ready to go by the time you get to the new location. We will setup the network racks and servers in order to have you up and running in no time.

Security Equipment

Your move may include taking your existing security equipment. Cameras, monitors and recorders are all easily retrofitted to a new building and the cost savings of retaining the equipment could really add up. If your security system is lacking in your present location and an upgrade seems to make sense in your new location, we are able to design the entire system from scratch. This holds the advantage that your system will be completely integrated from the get go, increasing the likelihood of more effective system down the road with less problems. The security that goes into a modern building is much more extensive than most realize and integrating your security system into your servers is something that we can do as well.

Cost Effectiveness

The problem with moving is how much it costs. The downtime, the disruption to the daily routine and the adjustment period all put a damper on income. Many times it is better to utilize your existing communications and network devices in your new building and the best way to minimize the cost of relocating is to call in the experts at Mark IV Communications. That being said, using new cabling is much more cost effective when it comes to the long run and running everything from scratch is the best way to ensure less issues down the road.

Time Management

Overall a move can be made much more smoothly, if the proper planning and timeline is established. This means that in order to facilitate a seamless relocation it is necessary to begin planning with enough time to accomplish all of the tasks at the right time. Don’t become discouraged if everything does not work as planned as there is always an issue that arises that is a surprise to everyone involved. This is a normal part of the relocation process and will generally not be too serious. In order to minimize the unintended surprises when it comes to moving your information infrastructure the experts at Mark IV Communications will make sure that you are taken care of when it is time to move. Our goal when we are performing a relocate is to take as much pressure off of you and your employees as possible and we aim to maintain our 100 percent success rate when it comes to relocation. Give us a call today and let us help you on your relocation adventure!