Filing cabinets and folders can still be found in modern businesses, as some owners still prefer to have a hard copy of every file and every account. However, with the amount of information that can be stored on your local servers, it makes sense to take the time to create the optimal setup for your network. At Mark IV Communications in Orange County, we can provide exceptional server room design for your new business or create a modified design for your existing system. Your servers are the heart of your company, and it’s imperative they’re properly installed.

Your Servers Are The Heart Of Your Business
Data Cabling Orange County

A Certified Team
Each member of our server installation team is certified as a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). They know how to design, integrate, install, and manage your server network, and handle every aspect of your server project from start to finish. They will make sure there is proper airflow in your server room, since an overheated server can be a serious problem. Raised flooring promotes air circulation from underneath each rack, and hot aisle containment allows for warm exhaust air to exit the room without mixing with the cool air from your air conditioning system. They’ll also make sure your power supply is adequately installed, so each server has the juice it needs to do its job.
If you have servers that are outdated, or you’ve relocated to a new office building and need a new server network designed and installed, contact Mark IV today. We’ll create the ideal setup for your servers, and have your business up and running in no time at all!